I'm Gail Heaton


After having been a believer since 1991, many years later I was hit with the realization that my beloved Bible was actually an ancient text, written to an ancient people who thought differently than I do. I'd been struggling to relate to God - was He really interested in me and my little life? Surely there's some things I'm just left with figuring out on my own, right? But with careful study of the original culture in which the Bible is set, I learned how God met the ancient Israelites right where they were. And in time, I grew confident that He would meet me where I'm at, too. 

Now I use my own personal struggle and success to help people just like you take an even bigger chance on God. I’ll show you how the God of Israel is better than any of the powers we might try to put our hope and trust in. Once you know what the ancients were up against, and how He met them there, you might trust Him that much more to be there for you, too. 

My Story

I have a Master's Degree in Family Life Science which has allowed me to minister in the foster and adoption field specializing in sibling relationships in blended families like mine. I have a website dedicated to this: 

I have been studying the ancient near east cultures of Torah since 2014 and I've been writing and teaching on the subject since 2018.

I am a writer and teacher passionate about empowering others to take a chance on God and trust Him in all areas of life.

My husband Randy and I live in the heart of downtown Missoula, Montana. We have 7 adult children and two granddaughters, most of whom live nearby.


Why I Do It


I am a recovering control freak and I’m learning to be honest and vulnerable to share my heart though the written and spoken word. In 2021, I was diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum, a realization that was at once surprising and a relief. I now have a name and an explanation for all the struggles I’ve had my whole life. God has drawn me in close and His faithfulness and care is what has kept me all these years and will continue to as I figure out the edges of my abilities and deficits. 

The Holy One has much to say to me and through me about what it means to attach to Him. The irony is not lost on me that He uses someone for whom relationships and connection is a struggle, to speak and write about these things. His strength truly does carry us. 

 As an extreme introvert with diagnosed social phobia, I am infinitely more comfortable writing than speaking in person or in videos, but I will do so when I am particularly passionate about the subject. I have authored several articles for publication on biblical themes, homeschooling, and foster and adoption.

 My on-going love affair with God’s Word occupies much of my free time and I consider myself a perpetual student of the Word. I see such value in understanding the ancient culture in which the bible was originally given and I love to share insights and understandings that go beyond a surface reading of the biblical text.

I’ll trade all of that knowledge for one day in the court of my King.


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