God's Feast DaysĀ 


God had Revival on His mind at the Creation, even before mankind was created.  
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs, and for MO'ED, and for days, and years"
(Genesis 1:14)
"He appointed the moon for MO'ED: the sun knoweth his going down.
(Psalm 104:19)
 MO'ED gets translated as “seasons” and we in the west assume that means the four seasons of the year: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. 
Mo'ed are appointed times that God has set up specifically for us to seek Him in greater levels of closeness.


These times have always been known to Israel as times of renewal and revival. Genesis One is the first mention of these appointed times.
They have become lost or hidden to the Christian church, but they are still an invitation by God for intimacy with ALL who are in Covenant with Him. You can read about them in Leviticus 23.
More and more Christians are awaking to the value of these special “dates with the Father.”
Do you want to see revival, God-style???
Look into His specials festivals, they have nothing to do with salvation and everything to do with relationship and REVIVAL!