Gail's Books

 In "Through Ancient Eyes" Gail Heaton invites us to consider that when we read the Bible, we enter a world that is socially, culturally, and historically very different from our own. Starting first with what the ancients believe allows scripture to speak to our own lives, giving us greater insights for today. Gail makes learning effortless. She takes one aspect of ancient culture, drawn from each of the weekly Torah portions and brings it to a non-scholarly level for the reader.
This series combines a basic introduction to the cultural world of the Bible with an insightful look at how much greater God is than any other power we might ever want to put our hope and trust in.

Through Ancient Eyes: Genesis

"Through Ancient Eyes is a wonderful read! Breaking down information into bite size pieces without dumbing things down. You feel like you’re having a conversation that you just don’t want to end!

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Through Ancient Eyes: Exodus

Get ready to have your attention focused on aspects of God’s character that you may have little prior experience with but that He is eager to share with you. Watch for the different themes of rescue and pay mind to when the Israelites' fear of intimacy presses up against your own insecurities as God’s beloved.

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Through Ancient Eyes: Leviticus 

We’ve got to relax a little and remain open and curious to an unfolding of understanding held in tension with the wide space of uncertainty. God is surely in that space with us. I invite you to journey with me through the seven Torah Portions of Leviticus so you, too, can lean in to relationship with God, not just head knowledge about Him. Watch for that idol of certainty to rear its ugly head, take note of where you need to shift your focus from certainty of belief to simple trust in God. Are you ready?


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