

Then Moses assembled all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and said to them, “These are the things that the Lord has commanded you to do:” Exodus 35:1 NASB


In Hebrew thought, edah is collective identity. The word describes one unified community.  Right off the bat this goes against the western view that the individual is most important. Not so in Hebraic thought. What the Holy One has for us is a communal faith. Think of the Feast days where we pray together and celebrate together. Torah is not for the individual so much as it is God and His ‘edah.

Edah is the antidote to fractured living. “It is not good for man to be alone.” Edah is not merely a collection of individuals. The word focuses on the singularity of the unit or group.  It is a gathering of people. 

The whole Israelite community (edah) set out from Elim and came to the Desert of Sin. (Exodus 16:1)

"Take a census of the whole Israelite community (edah) by families". (Numbers 26:2)

Edah is related to the word ed, meaning "witness." This makes sense since our purpose in the world is to bear witness to God, through our way of life and relating to Him.  "You are my witnesses,” says God. (Isaiah 43:12) Those who make up an edah have a strong sense of collective identity, they are bent on the same purpose. 


ASK: Father, how do you want me to be your edah? Help me to join with others to be witnesses of Your glory in this world.