Midbar (Wilderness)




Strong’s Number H4057 mid-bawr'; from H1696 in the sense of driving; a pasture (i.e. open field, whither cattle are driven); by implication, a desert; also speech (including its organs):—desert, south, speech, wilderness.

The root of midbar is davar. Davar as a root has a variety of meanings but it is also the word for “word”. Jeff Benner says “The root word is "davar" and is most frequently translated as "speak," but more literally means to "order" or "arrange" words. The word "midbar" is a place existing in a perfectly arranged order, an ecosystem in harmony and balance. By placing Israel in this environment he is teaching them balance, order and harmony.” 

Isn’t that great? The wilderness is often seen as a place of anxiety and chaos and yet with God, He brings order and structure and balance in the wilderness. He is above it all because He created it all! 

Chaim BenTorah says that the root can mean “oracle”, “the place of speaking”, “inner sanctuary,” a dry, uninhabited land”, “a pasture where sheep go to feed” or words spoken from the heart (inner place) of God. 1

Can you see how the wilderness comes directly from God’s Word? His Word is heard in the wilderness. It is in the wilderness that the Israelites heard revelation, the word of God; it is where He fed them and pastured them. His heart was turned toward them. You can hear Him, too in the wilderness of your life. Maybe that will 'make up' for not being able to 'see' Him, as He is Spirit. Those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth. What does it mean to worship Him in Spirit and in truth in this context? Don’t be afraid when He invites you with Him into the wilderness. 

1 Hebrew Word Study: Revealing the Heart of God, by Chaim BenTorah, page 212, 213