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Explore the Torah one ancient near east bite at a time.

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Video Teachings

Hebrew idioms, Torah portions, How to study the bible (basics)

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Insights on the prophets, Hebrew word studies

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Photo Gallery

Showcasing my photography from travels to Israel, Egypt and beyond.Ā 

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My Latest Release: Leviticus!

Consider that when you read the bible, you enter a world that is socially, culturally, and historically very different from your own. Starting first with what the ancients believed allows scripture to speak to your own life, giving you greater insights for today.

This book combines a basic introduction to the cultural world of Leviticus with an insightful look at how much greater God is than any other power we might ever want to put our hope and trust in.



Devukut: Attaching to God 

A place for my writings about attaching to God from a Judeo-Christian worldview. I'll explore a variety of topics on this theme.   

Falling for You

Sep 25, 2024

The Joy of the Lord: It Isn't What You May Think!

Aug 24, 2024

Hebrew Month: SEVAN

Jun 07, 2024


I'm Gail Heaton

After having been a believer since 1991, many years later I was hit with the realization that my beloved Bible was actually an ancient text, written to an ancient people who thought differently than I do. I'd been struggling to relate to God - was He really interested in me and my little life? Surely there's some things I'm just left with figuring out on my own, right? But with careful study of the original culture in which the Bible is set, I learned how God met the ancient Israelites right where they were. And in time, I grew confident that He would meet me where I'm at, too. 

Now I use my own personal struggle and success to help people just like you take an even bigger chance on God. I’ll show you how the God of Israel is better than any of the powers we might try to put our hope and trust in. Once you know what the ancients were up against, and how he met them there, you might trust Him that much more to be there for you, too. 


"Now I understand why God did the things He did, to teach us about His love for me."

- M.M.

"WOW, I never really saw God that way before, He really is amazing in a whole new way. This helps me trust Him more."

- B.D.

"I had no idea this is what it means to be a child of God."

- S.H.

Video Teachings

Ancient Culture School

Dive into the ancient near east cultures with theseĀ short video lessons.


Genesis (B'reshit)

In this first book of Torah, we learn bit by bit who this Creator is and how unlike He really is among the multitude of gods and powers that have caught our allegiance. Learn the basics of ancient near east culture with this 12-lesson course.


Exodus (Shemot)

Get ready to have your attention focused on aspects of God’s character that you may have little prior experience with. Watch for the different themes of rescue and pay mind to when the Israelite’s fear of intimacy presses up against your own insecurities as God’s beloved.


BiblicalĀ Idioms

"Under the Fig Tree" is a video course on idioms found in the Bible. Each are easily understood, short lessons on idioms like:

  • Eye of the Needle
  • Fulfill the Law
  • Heap Burning Coals
  • andĀ 10 more

Beginner's How to Study the Bible

In this four video series, I give you the basics of studying the Bible, with careful emphasis on context and cultural background.Ā 


Select Teachings from the Prophets: Unlocking the Haftarah

Let's explore the special portions fromĀ the prophets or the writings that we call the Haftarah; they correspond to the weekly Torah portions.


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Walking with God is a lifetime pursuit, not an "understand it all now" kind of life. I'll come alongside you to guide you when you're weary, with monthly bite-sized teachings designed to magnify God's awesomeness in your life. 

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